With the ever increasing mass of acquired human knowledge, working in an interdisciplinary environment is essential to the success of any research project. The careful statistical planning of any research project is but one aspect of this interdisciplinary work.
The sooner a biometrician is included in this process, the less likely is the chance of problems occurring in the analysis phase.
This is the fascination of working with you, everyone contributes a part to the total which is greater than the sum of the parts. The abstracts and papers listed below are examples of the projects I have been involved in.
Posters Abstracts:
- Schwarz ML, Kowarsch M, Rose S, Lenz T, Becker K, Jani L: Das Göttinger Minipig als Tiermodel zur Untersuchung der Osseointegration von Titanimplantaten. 43 Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde, Berlin, September 2005
- Longin E, Jakob B, Teich M, Schaible T, lenz T, König St: Herzfrequenzvariabilität (HFV) bei Frühgeborenen (FG): Normwerte, Reifungsappekte und physiologische Beobachtungen. Gesellschaft für Neonatalogie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin, Köln, Juli 2005
- Weiß C, Lenz T: Statistics in the medical sciences - The long road to there. 49th Biometrical Conference of the German Region of the International Biometrical Society, Wuppertal, March 2003
Acknowledged as Consulting Statistician:
- Kern R, Szabo K, et al: Characterization of artery plaques using real-time compound B-mode ultrasound. Stroke 35: 870-875 (2004)
- Seif C, Cherwon E, et al: Improved sacral neuromodulation in the treatment of the hyperactive detrusor: signal modification in an animal model. BJU International 91: 711-715 (2003)
- Samel St, Keese M, et al: Supplementation and inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis influences bacterial transit time during bacterial translocation in rats. Shock 19(4): 378-382 (2003)
- Samel St, Neufang Th, et al: A new abdominal cavity chamber to study the impact if increased intra-abdominal pressure on microcirculation of gut mucosa by using video microscopy in rats. Crit Care Med 30(8): 1854-1858 (2002)
- Feuering M, Bertsch T et al: Semanal plasma hormone concentration after oral application of progesterone. Int J Clin Phamaacology and Therapeutics 40(2): 47-52 (2002)
- Niedergethmann M, Rexin M, et al: Prognostic implication of routine, immunohistochemical, and molecular staging in respectable pancreatic adenocarcinom. Am J Surgical Pathology 26(12): 1578-1587 (2002)
- Prohaska W, Körner MM, et al: Immunologic monitoring for rejection diagnosis during the first three months after heart transplant. Infusionsther Transfusmed, 25: 364-369 (1998)